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Extensive Search for services and vendors by using AI technology

Search & Earn

Earn after searching .Earn By referals.Every member pays the same amount and will be treated equally. Somebody’s Want will become opportunity for other member.


Membership is through referrals only. This will automatically validate the members for security


Your search is over.Wants can be declared on our platform without revealing identity. Member declaring WANTs can make some passive money as well. Un-necessary follow-ups and phone calls are eliminated.

Why us Why Biz4Bhartiyans is required

After the Covid 19 pandemic, global Geo-Political scenario, business in MSME sector has taken a phenomenal beating. This has rendered increased inflation, closure of business due to drop in sales and profits, increased joblessness, non availability of job opportunities for young crowd, desperate need to increase income and so on….. Cost of sales are going up, profit per unit area are falling, high maintenance costs, horizontal growth is not possible and vertical growth is too expensive. Idle capacities, surplus material, surplus manpower are killing. Business models are changing rapidly and adaptability to new business models are too expensive. Solution is Biz4Bhartiyans!! As long as wants exist, business will most certainly happen!! To keep the business within the group Biz4Bhartiyans is created. The cost of subscribing to Biz4Bhartiyans is such that the member recovers his investment ASAP. This happens through referral incentives on 4 levels. Membership is through referrals only. This will automatically validate the members for security. Wants can be declared on our platform without revealing identity. Member declaring WANTs can make some passive money as well.

Know More About Us

Why us Why Biz4Bhartiyans is required

Un-necessary follow-ups and phone calls are eliminated. Every member pays the same amount and will be treated equally. There is nothing like controlling inquiries. All the inquiries are sorted and your participation becomes very simple. 100% transparency. Zero tolerance for fraudsters. Horizontal growth or Vertical growth is possible by appointment of Sales/Service franchisees pan India. Sourcing for the best quality at best price will be possible. Somebody’s Want will become opportunity for other member. Business and benefits will remain within. By outsourcing certain processes, member will be able to focus on his area of expertise. Biz4Bhartiyans will provide a opportunity to career starters to take up franchises to begin with and develop themselves. Employees can participate. They can declare their WANTs within their company in terms of Purchase, Sales, HR etc. Elimination of Cold Calls entirely.

Know More About Us

About Us

Biz4Bhartiyans is a brain child of Biz Fuel Wanters club and was conceived by a group of Entrepreneurs (Revenue Sharing Partners) who realized the shortcomings in present day business environment for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises. Promoters then decided that a Uniquely designed platform be created where the following issues can be addressed. Change is inevitable, but changing business model is not every individual’s cup of tea. Risk involved in experimenting is high. Personal relationships are not proportional to results.

Brand loyalties are diminishing. Competitions are forcing price cuts leading to drop in profits. Cost of market presence is very high. Fixed costs are on the rise. Cost of Sales prohibits geographical expansion. Promoting a Brand on B2B sites alone does not fetch results.Returns from advertising is not proportional to investment and not optimum. Profit per unit area is never estimated. Finding skilled or talented employees getting difficult. Idle or spare resources (Man, Machine, Material, Method/Process,

  • We search for you
  • Your search for right vendors,supliers etc is over
  • You can earn money while searching
testimonial author
testimonial quote

Embarrassed by the First Version.

Energistically streamline robust architectures whereas distributed mindshare. Intrinsicly leverage other's backend growth strategies through 24/365 products. Conveniently pursue revolutionary communities for compelling process improvements.

Rupan Oberoi
Web Designer
testimonial quote

Amazing Biz4Bhartiyans template!

Appropriately negotiate interactive niches rather orchestrate scalable benefits whereas flexible systems. Objectively grow quality outsourcing without vertical methods of empowerment. Assertively negotiate just in time innovation after client-centered thinking.

Jon Doe
Software Engineer
testimonial quote

Best Template for SAAS Company!

Competently repurpose cost effective strategic theme areas and customer directed meta-services. Objectively orchestrate orthogonal initiatives after enterprise-wide bandwidth. Dynamically generate extensive through cooperative channels time partnerships.

Hanry Luice
App Developer
testimonial quote

It is Undeniably Good!

Appropriately disintermediate one-to-one vortals through cross functional infomediaries. Collaboratively pursue multidisciplinary systems through stand-alone architectures. Progressively transition covalent architectures whereas vertical applications procrastinate professional.

Ami Nijai
Customer Support
testimonial author

Money and Minutes(Time)) are financial blocks and are never capitalized. Huge time, energy, money lost in areas of non expertise activities preventing developments in area of expertise. Employees and Individuals do not get an opportunity to be part of Industrial networking, entrepreneurship, investments. Career Starters are never exposed to entrepreneurship opportunities, be it Sales/Service Franchisee options to begin with and expansion thereafter. A Socio-Economic Experiment (Biz4Bhartiyans) was planned for all Individuals.

testimonial quote

Embarrassed by the First Version.

Energistically streamline robust architectures whereas distributed mindshare. Intrinsicly leverage other's backend growth strategies through 24/365 products. Conveniently pursue revolutionary communities for compelling process improvements.

Rupan Oberoi
Web Designer
testimonial quote

Amazing Biz4Bhartiyans template!

Appropriately negotiate interactive niches rather orchestrate scalable benefits whereas flexible systems. Objectively grow quality outsourcing without vertical methods of empowerment. Assertively negotiate just in time innovation after client-centered thinking.

Jon Doe
Software Engineer
testimonial quote

Best Template for SAAS Company!

Competently repurpose cost effective strategic theme areas and customer directed meta-services. Objectively orchestrate orthogonal initiatives after enterprise-wide bandwidth. Dynamically generate extensive through cooperative channels time partnerships.

Hanry Luice
App Developer
testimonial quote

It is Undeniably Good!

Appropriately disintermediate one-to-one vortals through cross functional infomediaries. Collaboratively pursue multidisciplinary systems through stand-alone architectures. Progressively transition covalent architectures whereas vertical applications procrastinate professional.

Ami Nijai
Customer Support



Our Mission Is

  • To organize all patriotic Indians to participate in Economic growth of India and Self.To evoke a feeling of Indianism and mutual support. To take up MAKE IN INDIA seriously. To facilitate manufacture of Import substitute through dependent ATMANIRBHARTA. To promote REVENUE SHARING partnerships so that each member contributes in the form of EXPERTISE, thus eliminating RISKs. To eliminate any investment that does not warrant any direct returns.To support business by helping each other in any way possible. To promote entrepreneur development for career starters, employees etc. To support business by helping each other in any way possible. To promote 100% utilization of Biz Fuel (Man Power, Material, Machines, Methods/Process, Money, Minutes (TIME) and Mind set). To help declare any spare capacity or stocks. To support every member focus on their own area of expertise and thus develop and grow. To seek help for any issues that ruin peace of mind.

Biz4Bhartiyans Can do

Progressively deploy market positioning catalysts for change and technically sound authoritatively e-enable resource-leveling infrastructures.


Pricing of Biz4Bhartiyans

Annual Package

Rs 730/

  • Including GST
  • Less 50% Discount
  • Freebies 48 wants posting
  • Validity 12 months


Frequently Asked Questions

Conveniently mesh cooperative services via magnetic outsourcing. Dynamically grow value whereas accurate e-commerce vectors.

1.What this site do?

Provide you authenticated list of manufacturers,service providers.

2.How to register?

Registration done only through reference .

3.How to send reference link?

Copy email and names and open reference link option , copy links and send it

2.What does software do?

Provides authenticated list of manufacturers,services.If you are buyer, search for 5 categories and software will search for you using AI technology.

2.How it will search?

It will search using AI based technology



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